Artist's Statement

My practice revolves around the intersection of visual art and psychology, with a particular focus on exploring complex emotional experiences such as grief and loss. My upcoming project, inspired by Mary-Frances O'Connor's book "The Grieving Brain" (2022), delves into the neurological processes underlying the grieving journey. Through a series of oil paintings and sketches, I aim to provide a tangible representation of the psychological dimensions of loss.

Adeline Gaudefroy, 2024


I am a French-Irish visual artist currently based in Dublin, Ireland.

In 1999. I won an art contest called "les écoles du désert," organised by Alain Grosman, the founder of the nonprofit EDUCATE. This award earned me a humanitarian trip to Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, where I first recognized art's profound social impact.

I graduated from the University of Lille, France, with a bachelor's degree in Arts and Critical Studies in 2009. I then pursued a master's degree in International Relations and Intercultural Cooperation at Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta in Rome, Italy, and completed it in 2011.

In 2023, I participated in 'Cleaning the House' at the Marina Abramović Institute in Greece, a workshop developed by Abramović to reset the body and understand one's physical and mental limits. My work explores themes of inclusion and social awareness. I believe in art that speaks directly, requiring no overthinking—just a powerful visual impact.