Maps, 2016-2018

Maps always intrigue me.

How can we find our bearings when data shifts beyond our control? I stand out from this global transition as I start to paint a whole panoply of layers beneath me. Places build up as antique walls. These rooms contain fabric which folds over time. Only vivid colours and hard edge shapes impose themselves beyond this time.

Data is collected to make maps more logical. Are they true or arbitrarily drawn? Where am I on this earth? Which data is relevant to guide me on my way? When I was creating these maps close to an immediate veracity of truths, I have come to the conclusion that I will not succeed in this. Unless I admit the “here” stands only before us and lapses quickly after.

These maps where here is now. Right today, wrong tomorrow.

Plans have caged wanderers, our souls shall move forward regardless

Artworks have been featured in the following exhibitions:

2017 Cashel Arts Festival, Cashel, Ireland

2016 1st Annual Members Exhibition, GOMA Contemporary Gallery, Waterford, Ireland