Night of Loveless Nights (Faire-part), 2008

Night of Loveless Nights (Faire-part), 2008

In my series of etchings and mezzotints, combined with acrylics, titled “Night of Loveless Nights (Faire-part)”, I draw inspiration from Robert Desnos' *Faire-part*. This body of work reflects the haunting beauty and enigmatic melancholy captured in Desnos' poem, which evokes a sense of existential and emotional detachment.

The series delves into themes of absence and the ephemeral nature of human connection. Using the etching and mezzotint techniques, I explore contrasts between light and shadow, presence and void, to symbolize the longing and disillusionment described in Desnos' work. Acrylic elements add depth and intensity, enhancing the surreal and dreamlike quality of the imagery.

Through this series, I aim to capture the profound impact of Desnos' poetry, translating its melancholic and contemplative essence into visual form.

Artworks have been featured in the following exhibitions:

2019 Portes ouvertes des ateliers d'artistes, Lille, France

2013 L’échappée, Maison natale de Condorcet, Ribemont, France